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Wednesday, August 4, 2010
I keep promising to report more survey results, but it’s been hard to squeeze it in among all the other topics that I want to write on. There is so much ground I want to cover, so many ideas and so little time. But I decided I’d better just toss out some results amid my other posts or I’ll never get to it.
So, here’s a few quick summary poll results about the readership here on Journey to Surrender.
We want to hear what you have to say!
I know that many of you have great real-life experiences to share with the readers here, and I want to encourage you to jump in and comment for everyone’s benefit. Share your thoughts, share your stories, share your opinions.
In case you aren’t comfortable posting publically, I’ve added a widget (left sidebar) that gives you the ability to send me an email message directly from the blog, without the need to go into a separate email program. Comments and question submitted to me using the widget will not be disclosed on the blog without your advanced permission. I will do my best to answer all inquiries as soon as possible. I take privacy seriously and will never share you email address with others.
A Little Shameless Promotion
If you know me at all, you know I’m not big into self-promotion. But I figured since I’m just writing about this blog and its readers today, I’d go ahead and point out a few new things I’ve added that make it easy to share my blog with others.
So, if you find Journey to Surrender to be helpful to you in your marriage, would you consider passing this blog along to your friends? Here are two ways you can easily and quickly do that::
Finally, if you are just visiting, consider subscribing either by email or RSS feed. You can subscribe by filling your email address in the left sidebar subscription widget.
I promise, I’ll be back to real content next time!
So, here’s a few quick summary poll results about the readership here on Journey to Surrender.
- I was surprised at how evenly split the readers here are; 45% Male, 55% Female. I don’t know why I expected it to be more female dominated, but I’m very encouraged by the fact that so man husbands are interested in improving their marriages too.
- We’ve got experience on our side. The marriages of the survey takers tended toward longevity, with 72% married more than 10 years.
- Most people reported being in their first marriage (86%), but we did have some on their second marriage and even a few singles. That is way cool .
- I suppose due in part to the longevity of the marriages represented, most (85%) had children. Half had all their children still living at home and almost a quarter had grown children that had left home. I see a significant diversity in the stages of married life represented in the survey. I like that.
- It’s never too late to take the reader survey now if you haven’t:
We want to hear what you have to say!

In case you aren’t comfortable posting publically, I’ve added a widget (left sidebar) that gives you the ability to send me an email message directly from the blog, without the need to go into a separate email program. Comments and question submitted to me using the widget will not be disclosed on the blog without your advanced permission. I will do my best to answer all inquiries as soon as possible. I take privacy seriously and will never share you email address with others.
A Little Shameless Promotion
If you know me at all, you know I’m not big into self-promotion. But I figured since I’m just writing about this blog and its readers today, I’d go ahead and point out a few new things I’ve added that make it easy to share my blog with others.
So, if you find Journey to Surrender to be helpful to you in your marriage, would you consider passing this blog along to your friends? Here are two ways you can easily and quickly do that::
- I added a widget (left sidebar) to give you an easy way to bookmark Journey to Surrender on a whole bunch of popular social networking sites that you might participate in: Facebook, Google, Stumble, Digg, and a dozen others.
- I’ve also enabled the new Blogger ‘Share Buttons” that appear at the end of every post and make it easy to share a post with folks via email, Facebook, Twitter, and GoogleBuzz. Please pass along your favorite posts!
Finally, if you are just visiting, consider subscribing either by email or RSS feed. You can subscribe by filling your email address in the left sidebar subscription widget.
I promise, I’ll be back to real content next time!
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That share button was a smart move. In the past I've had to jump through a bunch of hoops to share your stuff. And I would consider this "real" content, too!
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